Group Leader : Ferdinando Febbraio
Topics : Biochemistry


The studies of proteins, and recently also nucleic acids, are oriented to the development of their biotechnological applications such as molecular markers, bioreceptors in biosensors and bio-drugs.

Key Pubblications

  • G.P. Cetrangolo, C. Gori, J. Rusko, S. Terreri, G. Manco, A. Cimmino, F. Febbraio, Determination
    of Picomolar Concentrations of Paraoxon in Human Urine by Fluorescence-Based Enzymatic
    Assay, Sensors (Basel). 19 (2019).
  • P. Carullo, M. Chino, G.P. Cetrangolo, S. Terreri, A. Lombardi, G. Manco, A. Cimmino, F.
    Febbraio, Direct detection of organophosphate compounds in water by a fluorescence-based
    biosensing device, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 255 (2018) 3257–3266.
  • F. Febbraio, Biochemical strategies for the detection and detoxification of toxic chemicals in the
    environment, World J Biol Chem. 8 (2017) 13–20.

Reearch Group


Post Doc :
Fabiana Tortora

Undergraduate students:
Pietro Forgione  
Emilia di Rienzo
Carmen Galoppo