Anna Moles, Ph.D
Anna Moles, Is the director of IBBC-CNR. She has got a BSc in Biological Sciences (Parma, Italy); a Ph.D Animal Biology (Firenze, Italy). She was Visiting Researcher at the University of Birmingham (Pharmacology). After a post doc in Hepatology (University of Modena, Italy) she moved to the Department of Biostatistics of the INRAN where she participated to nutritional studies in European cohort. In 1998 she joined the CNR, Institute of Cell Biology and Neurobiology where she has worked for 10 years on animal models, specifically rodents models of psychiatric disorders and psychopharmacology. In 2008 she has been visiting Professor at the USTL, University of Lille 1 in the field of Epigenetics. She is author of more than 60 publications in peer reviewed journals including Science and PNAS. In 2009, she was appointed as Scientific Director of Genomnia, a Company offering NGS services and bioinformatic analysis, where she has acquired skills in the coordination and management of national and international research and industrial projects in the areas of Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Agrofood. Since 2019 she is consultant of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation Human Technopole.