Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (IBBC) is born from the merger of two institutes, the Institute of Biochemistry of Proteins (IBP) and the Institute of Cell Biology and Neurobiology (IBCN). The two Institutes were the headquarters of two European infrastructures (Eurobioimaging, pertaining to IBP, and Infrafrontier / Emma, pertaining to IBCN) which are now both an integral part of IBBC.
The main research topics of IBBC are:
- Advanced morphology, imaging and microscopy, biosensors, EuropeanEurobioimaging infrastructure
- Biochemistry: structure of proteins and lipids and related biotechnologies
- Cell and molecular biology: intracellular signaling and trafficking in cancer and rare diseases.
- Immunology: evolution, physiology and pathology
- Molecular oncology and pathology: identification of molecular targets and drug development
- Murine models: Generation, cryopreservation and phenotyping of murine mutants model of human diseases, Emma Infrastructure.
- Muscle: biology and pathology
- Neurobiology: molecular, cellular and behavioral aspects, neuropathologies and aging
- Pharmacology: identification and use of natural substances