Ferdinando Febbraio

Research area : Biochemistry

Napoli – Area di Ricerca NA1
+39 0816132611 (office)

Environmental security and human health

Research activity is strongly oriented to biotechnological applications of biological macro-molecules in the field of environmental security and human health.
The studies of proteins, and recently also nucleic acids, are oriented to the development of their biotechnological applications such as molecular markers, bioreceptors in biosensors and bio-drugs.

Work Experience

  • 06/2019 – ongoing : Researcher at Institute of Biochemistry and Cellular Biology
  • 12/2001 – 06/2019 : Researcher at Institute of Protein Biochemistry
  • 01/2001 – 04/2001 : Temporary contract at Institute of Protein Biochemistry


  • 11/1996 – 04/2001 : Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Biology 
    University of Naples “Federico II”
  • 10/1994 – 10/1996 : Fellowship in Biophysics approaches to biotransformation enzyme-mediated.
    National Research Council (CNR) – nternational Institute of Genetics and Biophysics
  • 11/1988 – 03/1993 : Degree in Biological Sciences
    University of Naples “Federico II”

Research sectors

Recent research activity is strongly oriented to biotechnological applications of biological macromolecules
in the field of environmental security and human health. The studies of proteins, and
recently also nucleic acids, are oriented to the development of their biotechnological applications
such as molecular markers, bioreceptors in biosensors and biodrugs. These activities naturally
led to its involvement in a biotechnological start-up aimed at the production and marketing of
proteins and enzymes

Recent Scientific Activitiesectors

Participation to the PON – “Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013”. codice identificativo PON01-
01585. Titled “Prodotti Innovativi per il Monitoraggio e la Decontaminazione/ Detossificazione di
Agenti Nervini ed Esplosivi nell’Ambiente e/o per la Gestione delle Emergenze.” granted from
The overall objective of the project, through the application of innovative biotechnological
approaches, was to gain knowledge that can be used to address issues of considerable social
and economic concern in the area of citizen security, emergency management and preservation
of environmental resources. The activities covered the study of biosensors


  • Added in the CNR highlights 2010-2011.
  • Finalista nel gruppo CNR che ha partecipato al concorso “START CUP” (finale di Genova del 21
    Ottobre-2 Novembre 2011) in occasione del Festival della Scienza che ha portato alla
    costituenda start-up “Detoxizymes”.
  • In virtu’ del risultato ottenuto al concorso “START CUP”, il gruppo Detoxizymes è stato
    ammesso alla fase finale del premio “Working Capital – PNI” tenutosi a Torino il 20 novembre
  • Vincitore nel gruppo Detoxizymes del Progetto “Smart&Start” che ha portato alla costituenda
    start-up “Detoxizymes”.
  • Il Gruppo “Detoxizymes” risulta Vincitore del premio “Best Presentation Award”. BioinItaly
    National RoadShow Napoli 22 gennaio 2015.


  • MIUR reviewer in the final evaluation of the SIR 2014 call
  • Registered to the “Albo dei Revisori MIUR” (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della
    Ricerca) – Dipartimento per l’Università, l’Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica e per la
    Ricerca – Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento e lo Sviluppo della Ricerca.
  • Registered to “Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation” (REPRISE) of
    international scientific experts.
  • Referee of international journals
  • Member of editorial board of World Journal of Biological Chemistry
  • Tutor of PhD, fellows and under-graduated students.
    Visiting student at Chemistry department of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva
  • Visiting researcher at Zewail City of Science and Technology, October Gardens, 6th of October
    City, 12578-Giza (Egypt)
  • National Scientific Qualification (DD 222 of 20 July 2012), 05/E1 – as Associate Professor (II
    Fascia) in General and Clinical Biochemistry. Valid until 16/06/2020.

  • G.P. Cetrangolo, C. Gori, J. Rusko, S. Terreri, G. Manco, A. Cimmino, F. Febbraio, Determination
    of Picomolar Concentrations of Paraoxon in Human Urine by Fluorescence-Based Enzymatic
    Assay, Sensors (Basel). 19 (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/s19224852.
  • P. Carullo, M. Chino, G.P. Cetrangolo, S. Terreri, A. Lombardi, G. Manco, A. Cimmino, F.
    Febbraio, Direct detection of organophosphate compounds in water by a fluorescence-based
    biosensing device, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 255 (2018) 3257–3266.
  • F. Febbraio, Biochemical strategies for the detection and detoxification of toxic chemicals in the
    environment, World J Biol Chem. 8 (2017) 13–20. https://doi.org/10.4331/wjbc.v8.i1.13.
  • G.P. Cetrangolo, J. Rusko, C. Gori, P. Carullo, G. Manco, M. Chino, F. Febbraio. Highly
    sensitive detection of chemically modified thio-organophosphates by an enzymatic
    biosensing device: an automated robotic approach. Submitted (2019).
  • G.P. Cetrangolo, C. Gori, J. Rusko, S. Terreri, G. Manco, A. Cimmino and F. Febbraio.
    Determination of Picomolar Concentrations of Paraoxon in Human Urine by
    Fluorescence-Based Enzymatic Assay. Sensors (Basel), 19 (22),
  • G. Lettieri, V. Mollo, A. Ambrosino, F. Caccavale, J. Troisi, F. Febbraio, M. Piscopo. Molecular
    effects of copper on the reproductive system of mytilus galloprovincialis. Mol Reprod Dev.
    (2019) Jan 15. doi: 10.1002/mrd.23114.
  • V. De Guglielmo, R. Puoti, R. Notariale, V. Maresca, J. Ausió, J. Troisi, M. Verrillo, A. Basile, F.
    Febbraio, M. Piscopo. Alterations in the properties of sperm protamine-like II protein after
    exposure of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck 1819) to sub-toxic doses of cadmium.
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. (2019) Mar;169:600-606.
  • E. Porzio, F. Bettazzi, L. Mandrich, I. Del Giudice, O.F. Restaino, S. Laschi, F. Febbraio, V. De
    Luca, M.G. Borzacchiello, T.M. Carusone, F. Worek, A. Pisanti, P. Porcaro, C. Schiraldi,
    M. De Rosa, I. Palchetti, G. Manco. Innovative Biocatalysts as Tools to Detect and
    Inactivate Nerve Agents. Sci Rep. (2018) Sep 13;8(1):13773.
  • M. Piscopo, M. Trifuoggi, C. Scarano, C. Gori, A. Giarra and F. Febbraio. Relevance of arginine
    residues in Cu(II)-induced DNA breakage and Proteinase K resistance of H1 histones.
    Sci Rep. (2018) May 9;8(1):7414.
  • E. Ionata, L. Marcolongo, F. La Cara, G.P. Cetrangolo, F. Febbraio. Improvement of functional
    properties of a thermostable -glycosidase for milk lactose -glycosidase for milk lactose hydrolysis. Biopolymers. hydrolysis. Biopolymers.
    (2018) Aug;109(10):e23118.
  • P. Carullo, G.P. Cetrangolo, S. Terreri, G. Manco, A. Cimmino, F. Febbraio, Direct detection of
    organophosphate compounds by a fluorescence-based biosensor, Sensors and
    Actuators B 255 (2018) 3257–3266.
  • F. Febbraio, Biochemical strategies for the detection and detoxification of toxic chemicals in the
    environment, World J Biol Chem. 8 (2017) 13–20.
  • S. Terreri, M. Durso, V. Colonna, A. Romanelli, D. Terracciano, M. Ferro, S. Perdona, L.
    Castaldo, F. Febbraio, F. de Nigris, A. Cimmino, New Cross-Talk Layer between
    Ultraconserved Non-Coding RNAs, MicroRNAs and Polycomb Protein YY1 in Bladder
    Cancer, Genes. 7 (2016) 127.
  • M. Olivieri, M. Ferro, S. Terreri, M. Durso, A. Romanelli, C. Avitabile, O. De Cobelli, A. Messere,
    D. Bruzzese, I. Vannini, L. Marinelli, E. Novellino, W. Zhang, M. Incoronato, G. Ilardi, S.
    Staibano, L. Marra, R. Franco, S. Perdona, D. Terracciano, B. Czerniak, G.L. Liguori, V.
    Colonna, M. Fabbri, F. Febbraio, G.A. Calin, A. Cimmino, Long non-coding RNA
    containing ultraconserved genomic region 8 promotes bladder cancer tumorigenesis,
    Oncotarget. 7 (2016) 20636–20654.
  • P. Carullo, G.P. Cetrangolo, L. Mandrich, G. Manco, F. Febbraio, Fluorescence Spectroscopy
    Approaches for the Development of a Real-Time Organophosphate Detection System
    Using an Enzymatic Sensor, Sensors. 15 (2015) 3932–3951.

Post Doc :
Fabiana Tortora fabiana.tortora@ibbc.cnr.it

Undergraduate students:
Pietro Forgione pietro.forgione@ibbc.cnr.it  
Emilia di Rienzo emilia.dirienzo@ibbc.cnr.it
Carmen Galoppo carmen.galoppo@ibbc.cnr.it








  • 2020 – European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) grant under the call for proposal GP/EFSA/AFSCO/2018/05.
    Work Programme:
    Monitoring of pesticide amount in water and drinkable food by a fluorescence-based biosensor.
  • 2020 – European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) grant under the call for proposal GP/EFSA/AFSCO/2018/05. Work Programme:
    Monitoring of pesticide amount in fruit and vegetables by a fluorescence-based biosensor.
  • 2019 – Bilateral project CNR/ASRT 2019-2020 in collaboration with Dpt. of Applied Organic Chemistry, National Research Center
    (NRC) Cairo, Egypt, titled: “Development of new disposable nano-biosensor platforms for the detection of neurotoxic chemicals”.
  • 2018 – European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) grant under the call for proposal GP/EFSA/AFSCO/2016/02. Work Programme:
    Development of an automated multi-enzymatic biosensor for risk assessment of pesticide contamination in water and food.

DETOXIZYMES s.r.l.s. 04/07/2014
Partita IVA 07820751217 Numero REA NA – 912757,
working in the development, production and marketing of protein and enzymes for biotechnological application in the field human health and environmental security.