Forum of Ideas › Research Topic – Frontiers in Oncology
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by
Daniela Spano.
11 November 2020 at 15:28 #9325
Dear all,
I am hosting the Research Topic “Combinatorial Approaches for Cancer Treatment: from Basic to Translational Research” together with Dr. Aniello Cerrato (Istituto per l’endocrinologia e l’oncologia Gaetano Salvatore – CNR) and Prof. George Mattheolabakis (College of Pharmacy University of Louisiana Monroe) published in collaboration with Frontiers in Oncology (IF 4.848).
As the guest editors, we sincerely invite you to contribute a full research paper or review article for peer-review and possible publication in our special issue. In this Research Topic we would like to discuss novel combinatorial approaches for cancer treatment across basic and translational research. In particular, contributions should cover the following topics:
1. Molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways underlying the combinatorial strategies used in the therapeutic approaches
2. Preclinical studies that show a proof of concept of the efficacy of the combinatorial therapeutic approaches in cancer
3. Identification of new molecular targets and combinatorial therapeutic approaches based on them
4. Synthetic lethality-based combinatorial strategies
5. Development of new therapeutic opportunities which combine:
a. Chemotherapeutic agents with miRNA or agents that target microRNA
b. Chemotherapeutic agents with epigenetic therapy strategies
c. Chemotherapeutic agents with molecular targeted therapy
d. Molecular targeted therapies that use agents that act on different genes in the same pathway
e. Molecular targeted therapies that use agents targeting genes/proteins involved in different cellular
processes and in different pathways.The abstract submission deadline is December 08th, 2020 and the manuscript submission deadline is April 07th, 2021. Although the abstract submission is not mandatory, we encourage you to submit an abstract to help us assess the specific content and avoid potential out of scope and overlapping submissions.
Please note that all contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements.
You can find more information on this Research Topic, as well as the links to submit your abstract and manuscript, via the link:
Thank you for your attention,
Best regards,
Daniela Spano
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