Maria Patrizia Mongiardi

Research Area : Molecular oncology and pathology

Monterotondo Scalo – Campus “A.Buzzati Traverso”
+39 06 90091401 (office)
Reserach Gate page

Research Theme: Angiogenesis and Hypoxia in Glioblastoma 

Keywords: : Angiogenesis, Hypoxia, Chemotherapy

Glioblastoma is the most aggressive brain tumor characterized by extensive hypoxic areas and a prominent angiogenesis. My main interest is to study how angiogenesis and hypoxia response contribute to glioblastoma resistance to chemotherapy. In the last decade, new compounds for therapy have been developed and proposed that target tumor cells and angiogenesis with a wide range of molecular targets (multikinase inhibitors). Despite promising results obtained by clinical trials little is known about the molecular aspects involved in cellular response to these drugs, especially for the newest. We aim to define the key pathways of cell response to these compounds, and the role played by tumor microenvironment, in particular by hypoxia.


  • 2009- PhD in Cellular and Molecular biology at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
  • 2007- Qualification to the profession of biologist at University of Viterbo “La Tuscia”
  • 2005- Master’s Degree in Biology at University of Rome “La Sapienza”


  • 2019- present: Researcher at Institute of Biochemistry and Cellular Biology- CNR in Monterotondo (RM)
  • 2018-2019: Scientific lab head in Lifebrain miniHub- Arezzo (AR) – Lifebrain group
  • 2017- 2018: Biologist in clinical laboratory Salus – Rome (RM) Lifebrain group
  • 2011- 2017: Post- doctoral fellowship at Institute of Cellular Biology and Neurobiology –CNR, Rome.
  • Involvement in Epigen- CNR Sustained Project “Omomyc: an opportunity for cancer treatment”
  • Referee activity for Current Cancer- Drug Target journal
  • 2010- 2011: Term-contract (Co.Co.Co.) at Catholic University “Sacro Cuore”- Neurosurgery Institute, Rome.
  • 2008–2010: Post- doctoral fellowship at Institute of Neurobiology and Molecular Medicine- CNR.
  • 2005–2008: Involvement in AIRC sustained project “Mechanism and circumvention of chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer”

F1000 prime recommendation for article Mongiardi MP et al., 2016 10.3410/f.726316876.793517775

  1. Mongiardi MP, Pellegrini M, Pallini R, Levi A and Falchetti ML. “Cancer response to therapy-induced senescence: a matter of dose and timing” (2021) Cancers DOI:10.3390/cancers13030484

  2. Mongiardi MP, Radice G, Piras M, Stagni V, Pacioni S, Re A, Ferrè F, Farsetti A, Pallini R, Barilà D, Levi A and Falchetti ML. “Axitinib exposure triggers endothelial cells senescence through ROS accumulation and ATM activation”. (2019) Oncogene, doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-0798-2.

  3. Fianco G, Mongiardi MP, Trisciuoglio D, Del Bufalo D, Ferrè F, Levi A, Barilà D. “Caspase-8 contributes to angiogenesis and chemotherapy resistance in glioblastoma”. (2017) Elife, doi 10.7554/eLife.22593.

  4. Mongiardi MP*, Savino M, Falchetti ML, Illi B, Bozzo F, Valle C, Ferrè F, Helmer Citteric M, Nasi S and Levi A. “MYC inhibition impairs hypoxic response in GBM”.(2016) Oncotarget 7(22):33257-71. *Corresponding author.

  5. Falchetti ML*, Mongiardi MP*, Fiorenzo P, Petrucci G , Pierconti F, D’Agnano I, D’Alessandris G, Alessandri G, Gelati M, Ricci-Vitiani L, Maira G, Maria Larocca L, Levi A, Pallini R. “Inhibition of Telomerase in the Endothelial Cells Disrupts Tumor Angiogenesis in Glioblastoma Xenografts”.(2008) Int J Can, 122: 1236-42. *Co-First Authors

Peer-reviewed papers: 18 (First or Co-First author: 11; Corresponding author: 2)

1. Simonis B, Vignone D, Gonzalez Paz O, Donati E, Falchetti ML, Bombelli C, Cellucci A, Auciello G, Fini I, Galantini L, Syeda RZ, Mazzonna M, Mongiardi MP, Buonocore F, Ceccacci F, Di Marco A, Mancini G.Transport of cationic liposomes in a human blood brain barrier model: Role of the stereochemistry of the gemini amphiphile on liposome biological features.” (2022) J Colloid Interface Sci. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2022.07.025

2. Mongiardi MP, Pellegrini M, Pallini R, Levi A and Falchetti ML. “Cancer response to therapy-induced senescence: a matter of dose and timing” (2021) Cancers DOI:10.3390/cancers13030484

3. Merolle M Mongiardi MP*, Piras M, Levi A and Falchetti ML. “Glioblastoma Cells Do Not Affect Axitinib-Dependent Senescence of HUVECs in a Transwell Co-culture Model (2020) Int J Mol Sci DOI: 10.3390/ijms21041490. *Co-First Author

4. Mongiardi MP, Pallini R, Levi A, Falchetti ML. “Current Status and Future Perspectives of Anti-Angiogenic Therapeutic Attempts for Glioblastoma” (2020). J Cancer Res Therap Oncol 8: 1-9. Review

5. Mongiardi MP, Merolle M, Fustaino V, Levi A, Falchetti ML. “Gene expression profiling of hypoxic response in different models of senescent endothelial cells”. (2019) Aging Clinical Experimental Research doi: 10.1007/s40520-019-01390-5.

6. Mongiardi MP, Radice G, Piras M, Stagni V, Pacioni S, Re A, Ferrè F, Farsetti A, Pallini R, Barilà D, Levi A and Falchetti ML.Axitinib exposure triggers endothelial cells senescence through ROS accumulation and ATM activation”. (2019) Oncogene, doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-0798-2.

7. Fianco G, Mongiardi MP, Trisciuoglio D, Del Bufalo D, Ferrè F, Levi A, Barilà D. “Caspase-8 contributes to angiogenesis and chemotherapy resistance in glioblastoma”. (2017) Elife, doi 10.7554/eLife.22593.

8. Mongiardi MP*, Savino M, Falchetti ML, Illi B, Bozzo F, Valle C, Ferrè F, Helmer Citteric M, Nasi S and Levi A. “MYC inhibition impairs hypoxic response in GBM”.(2016) Oncotarget 7(22):33257-71 *Corresponding author

9. Mongiardi MP, Savino M, Bartoli  L, Beji S, Nanni  S, Scagnoli F, Falchetti ML, Favia A, Farsetti A, Levi A, Nasi S and Illi B.”The Myc inhibitor Omomyc represses transcription of Myc target genes via Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) in glioblastoma cells”.(2015) Sci Rep doi:10.1038/ srep1594.

10. Amadoro G, Corsetti V, Florenzano F, Atlante A, Ciotti MT, Mongiardi MP, Bussani R, Nicolin V, Nori SL, Campanella M, Calissano P. “AD-linked, toxic NH2 human tau affects the quality control of mitochondria in neurons”.(2014) Neurobiol Dis 62:489-507.

11. Petrocchi Passeri P, Biondini L, Mongiardi MP, Mordini N, Quaresima S, Frank C, Baratta M, Bartolomucci A, Levi A, Severini C, Possenti R. “Neuropeptide TLQP-21, a VGF Internal Fragment, Modulates Hormonal Gene Expression and Secretion in GH3 Cell Line”.(2013) Neuroendocrinology, doi: 10.1159/000339855

12. Mongiardi MP. Angiogenesis and hypoxia in glioblastoma: a focus on cancer stem cells”. (2012) CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets, 11(7):878-83. Review. Corresponding author

13. Mongiardi MP, Stagni V, Natoli M, Giaccari D, D’Agnano I, Falchetti ML, Barilà D, Levi A. “Oxygen sensing is impaired in ATM defective cells”. (2011) Cell Cycle 10:4311-20

14. Guccini I, Serio D, Condò I, Rufini A, Tomassini B, Mangiola A, Maira G, Anile C, Fina D, Pallone F, Mongiardi MP, Levi A, Ventura N, Testi R, Malisan F. “Frataxin participates to the hypoxia-induced response in tumors”.(2011) Cell Death Dis. 2:e123

15. Petrocchi P, Quaresima S, Mongiardi MP, Severini C and Possenti R. Activation of kinase phosphorylation by heat-shift and mild heat-shock”. (2010) Cell Biol. Int. Rep., 17: 9-12.

16. Fiorenzo P, Mongiardi MP*, Dimitri D, Cozzolino M, Ferri A, Montano N, Travisi G, Maira G, Battistini L, Falchetti ML, Levi A, Pallini R. HIF1 Positive and HIF1 Negative Glioblastoma Cells Compete in vitro but Cooperate in Tumor Growth in vivo”.(2010) Int J Oncol, 36: 785-91 *Co-First Author

17. Falchetti ML, Mongiardi MP*, Fiorenzo P, Petrucci G , Pierconti F, D’Agnano I, D’Alessandris G, Alessandri G, Gelati M, Ricci-Vitiani L, Maira G, Maria Larocca L, Levi A, Pallini R. “Inhibition of Telomerase in the Endothelial Cells Disrupts Tumor Angiogenesis in Glioblastoma Xenografts”.(2008) Int J Can, 122: 1236-42.*Co-First Author

18. Falchetti ML, Fiorenzo P, Mongiardi MP, Petrucci G, Montano N, Maira G, Pierconti F, Larocca LM, Levi A, Pallini R. “Telomerase inhibition impairs tumor growth in glioblastoma xenografts”.(2006) Neurol Res, 28: 532-7

Group leader:  Maria Laura Falchetti

Maria Patrizia Mongiardi
email. | tel. 06 90091401 
Andrea Levi 
email. | tel. 06 90091463 

Post-doctoral fellows:         
Alessia Formato
email. | tel. 06 90091473
Elisa Orecchini
email.  | tel. 06 90091473
Maria Salbini
email. | tel. 0690091471

Valentina Ricci
email. | tel.06 90091471

Prof. Roberto Pallini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Dott. G. D’Alessandris (Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli)
Dott.ssa L. Lauretti (Università Cattolica)
Dott.ssa Lucia Ricci Vitiani (Istituto Superiore di Sanità)
Dott.ssa G. Mancini (CNR-ISB)
Dott.ssa F. Ceccacci (CNR-ISB)
Dott. F. Iorio (Human Technopole)
Dott.ssa M. Pellegrini (CNR-IBBC)

Italian Ministry of Health-Ricerca Finalizzata bando 2019. Titolo del progetto: “Control of growth and invasiveness of glioblastoma by modulation of ciliogenesis in glioma stem cells.  A novel target against glioblastoma for precision medicine”.

Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale- Regione Lazio- Lazioinnova-POR 2014-2020- A0375-2020-36524 SITeG. Strategies to Implement Glioblastoma Therapy”