Oncology and cellular and molecular biology
Cell signalling: Protein of the Death Domain Fold Family (Fas receptor, FADD, TRADD and Caspases) and Tyrosine kinases Receptors (EGFR, MET, PI3K). Mechanisms of regulation of apoptosis, cell cycle, cell migration, cell adhesion and Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in cancer model systems. Mechanisms of resistance to target therapy in epithelial cancer cell model systems (non small cell lung cancer, NSCLC).
Molecular and biochemical studies including protein-protein interaction assays and gene expression analyses. Phenotypical characterization of cancer cell lines (i.e. proliferation, apoptosis, migration and invasion). Development of xenograft cancer models in immunodeficient mice (drug combination studies and phenotypic analyses).
- 04/1996 Bachelor Student – University La Sapienza – Rome – Italy
- 11/2002 Ph.D. – University La Sapienza – Rome – Italy
- 2003-2005 Post doctoral position – Institute of Cell Biology and Neurobiology – CNR – Monterotondo (Rome) – Italy
- 2005/2010 Research contract (5 years) – Institute of Cell Biology and Neurobiology – CNR – Monterotondo (Rome) – Italy
- 01/2010 till now Permanent research position. Researcher.
- Prizes
Bachelor prize “In memory of A. Marzullo” 1996, University of Trieste, Italy;
Bachelor prize, Italian Group of Cytometry 1996, Rome, Italy. - Award
Adriano Buzzati-Traverso research fellowship, 1997 (declined in order to accept the FIRC fellowship);
FIRC (Italian Foundation for Cancer Research) 3-years research fellowship (1997-99).
Papoff G, Presutti D, Lalli C, Bolasco G, Santini S, Manelfi C, Fustaino V, Alemà S, Ruberti G.
CASP4 gene silencing in epithelial cancer cells leads to impairment of cell migration, cell-matrix adhesion and tissue invasion. Sci Rep. 2018 Dec 7;8(1):17705. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-35792-8.
Fustaino V, Presutti D, Colombo T, Cardinali B, Papoff G, Brandi R, Bertolazzi P, Felici G, Ruberti G.
Characterization of epithelial-mesenchymal transition intermediate/hybrid phenotypes associated to resistance to EGFR inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Oncotarget. 2017 Sep 22;8(61):103340-103363. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.21132. eCollection 2017 Nov 28.
Presutti D, Santini S, Cardinali B, Papoff G, Lalli C, Samperna S, Fustaino V, Giannini G, Ruberti G.
MET Gene Amplification and MET Receptor Activation Are Not Sufficient to Predict Efficacy of Combined MET and EGFR Inhibitors in EGFR TKI-Resistant NSCLC Cells. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 18;10(11): e0143333. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143333.
Papoff G, Trivieri N, Crielesi R, Ruberti F, Marsilio S, Ruberti G.
FADD–calmodulin interaction: A novel player in cell cycle regulation Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 08/2010; 1803(8):898-911.
Papoff G, Hausler P, Eramo A, Pagano MG, Di Leve G, Signore A, Ruberti G.
Identification and Characterization of a Ligand-independent Oligomerization Domain in the Extracellular Region of the CD95 Death Receptor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 12/1999; 274(53):38241-50.
Researchers: Postdoctoral Fellows
PhD student:
Participant of the following Research Projects:
2005 CNR-curiosity driven Project (Ricerca a tema libero) “FADD and TRADD non apoptotic functions”
2011-2013 Project “Innovative drugs and biotechnology networks of Quality” (FaReBio di Qualità) supported by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Economics and Finances to the CNR. IBCN-CNR Unit: “Laboratory node for Innovative drug discovery: cellular and murine models and functional studies. The IBCN-CNR unit coordinates also research groups of IBBE-CNR and IBIM-CNR.
2012-2013 MIUR-PRIN2009 “Resistance to target therapy and ErbB receptors inhibitors”
2013-2016 MIUR-CNR Progetto premiale “Medicina personalizzata” BBT (Biomarcatori, Bersagli, Tumori) – Identificazione di biomarcatori e bersagli in tumori umani polmonari farmaco-resistenti ed in tumori neuroendocrini per approcci diagnostici e terapeutici innovativi.
2016-2019 MIUR-PRIN 2015 Towards multi-stage drugs to fight poverty related and neglected parasitic diseases: synthetic and natural compounds directed against Leishmania, Plasmodium and Schistosoma life stages and assessment of their mechanisms of action (coordinator Prof. Giuseppe Campiani, University of Siena)
2018-2020 “LIFE 2020” – POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020, REGIONE LAZIO. PISTA (PI3k for Solid Tumor therapy) (Coordinator Monica Binaschi; Menarini Ricerche).