Keywords: mouse mutant, disease model
Member of Technical Working Group-Information Technology/Data Curation of European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) and Infrafrontier (ESFRI Roadmap Landmark/MIUR Roadmap&PNIR Project; www.infrafrontier.eu) Research Infrastructures, since their establishment upon CNR’s initiative, as leading collaborative projects of major European and extra-European biomedical research Institutions, with continued support by European Framework Programmes 4-7 ad Horizon 2020.
Member of Technical Working Group-Information Technology/Data Curation of International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC; www.mousephenotype.org; G7 Science Ministers’ Mature Global Initiative) and European Open Life Science Cloud (www.eosc-life.eu; Horizon2020 Open Science Cloud Initiative).
Member of international projects, initiatives and workgroups at the A. Buzzati-Traverso
Campus, Monterotondo since its establishment in 1996 by CNR, EMBL and the other cooperating international research Institutions.
- 1989: Ph. D. Degree in Sciences (Dr. Rerum Naturalium), Cell Biology Programme,European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg
- 1988: Visiting Graduate Student, Summer Course on Molecular Biology of the Nervous System, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- 1983: Laurea Degree in Biological Sciences; University of Pisa
- Since 2014: Senior Researcher, CNR Inst. of Cell Biology and Neurobiology/Inst. of Biochemistry and Cell Biology,
- 2001-2013: Senior Technologist, CNR Inst. of Cell Biology/Inst. of Cell Biology and Neurobiology, Buzzati-Traverso Internatl. Campus, Monterotondo
- 1988-2001: Researcher, ENI-G. Donegani Inst./CNR Inst. of Cell Biology, Biotechnology Laboratories, Monterotondo – Italian Ministry of Research, National Research Programmes on Neurobiological Systems/Advanced Biotechnologies; Member, ENI-CNR-EMBL workgroup for establishment of new EMBL Outstation&Units at the Monterotondo Campus
- 1984-1988: Ph. D. Fellow, Cell Biology Programme, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg
Member, Technical Working Group-Information Technology/Data Curation:
– European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) Research Infrastructure (since its establ. in 1996)
– Infrafrontier Research Infrastructure, ESFRI Roadmap Landmark/MIUR Roadmap&PNIR Priority Project (since its establ. in 2008)
– International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC), G7 Science Ministers’ Selected Mature Global Initiative (since 2011)
– European Open Life Science Cloud (EOSC-Life) Horizon2020 Open Science Cloud Initiative (since its establ. in 2019)
Member, Technical Working Group-Information Technology/Data Curation:
Member of Organizing and Tutoring Group, CNR-EMMA-Infrafrontier-The Jackson Laboratory Workshops and Laboratory Courses on Cryopreservation and Recovery Techniques for the Laboratory Mouse, Monterotondo
Member of Organizing Group, CNR-EMMA-Infrafrontier Periodic Meetings and Workshops, Monterotondo/Rome
CNR Referrer, EMMA Resource DataBase:
David R, Rybina A, Burel JM, Heriche JK, Audergon P, Boiten JW, Coppens F, Crockett S, Exter K, Fahrner S, Fratelli M, Goble C, Gormanns P, Grantner T, Grüning B, Gurwitz KT, Hancock JM, Harmse H, Holub P, Juty N, Karnbach G, Karoune E, Keppler A, Klemeier J, Lancelotti C, Legras JL, Lister AL, Longo DL, Ludwig R, Madon B, Massimi M, Matser V, Matteoni R, Mayrhofer MT, Ohmann C, Panagiotopoulou M, Parkinson H, Perseil I, Pfander C, Pieruschka R, Raess M, Rauber A, Richard AS, Romano P, Rosato A, Sánchez-Pla A, Sansone SA, Sarkans U, Serrano-Solano B, Tang J, Tanoli Z, Tedds J, Wagener H, Weise M, Westerhoff HV, Wittner R, Ewbank J, Blomberg N, Gribbon P
“Be sustainable”: EOSC-Life recommendations for implementation of FAIR principles in life science data handling.
The EMBO Journal, 2023 – https://europepmc.org/article/MED/37964598
Ali Khan A, Valera Vazquez G, Gustems M, Matteoni R, Song F, Gormanns P, Fessele S, Raess M, Hrabĕ de Angelis M, INFRAFRONTIER Consortium
INFRAFRONTIER: mouse model resources for modelling human diseases.
Mammalian Genome, 2023 – https://europepmc.org/article/MED/37468728
Bret A. Moore et al. (International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium)
Identification of genes required for eye development by high-throughput screening of mouse knockouts
Communications Biology, 2018 – https://europepmc.org/article/MED/30588515
Jan Rozman et al. (International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium)
Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-throughput mouse phenotyping
Nature Communications, 2018 – https://europepmc.org/article/MED/29348434
Terrence F. Meehan et al. (International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium)
Disease model discovery from 3,328 gene knockouts by the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium
Nature Genetics, 2017 – https://europepmc.org/article/MED/28650483

CNR Contact Person, European Union’s Horizon2020 Programme Project Grants:
– INFRAFRONTIER2020 (Grant n. 730879) 2017-2020
– IPAD-MD (Grant n. 653961) 2015-2019
(coordinator: INFRAFRONTIER RI, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen)
– European Life Science Data Cloud-EOSC-Life (Grant n. 824087) 2019-2023
(coordinator: ELIXIR RI, EMBL-EBI Hinxton)
Member, Technical Working Group-Information Technology/Data Curation European Union’s Horizon2020 and FP7 Programmes Project Grants:
– INFRAFRONTIER2020 (H2020 Grant n. 730879) 2017-2020
– IPAD-MD (H2020 Grant n. 653961) 2015-2019
– INFRAFRONTIER-I3 (FP7 Grant n. 312325) 2013-2016
– InfraCOMP (FP7 Grant n. 284501) 2011-2014
– INFRAFRONTIER Prep. Phase (FP7 Grant n. 211404) 2008-2012
– European Open Life Science Cloud-EOSC-Life (H2020 Grant n. 824087) 2019-2023
Member, Technical Working Group-Information Technology/Data CurationEuropean Union’s FP4-FP6 Programmes Project Grants for European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) Research Infrastructure and related projects, 1996-2012 (EMMA, EMMARDB, EMMAWorks, EMMANet, EMMASErvice, EMMAInf, ORIEL, CASIMIR, etc.)
CNR Referrer, EMMA Resource DataBase:
Member, Program Committee, Gruppo per l’Armonizzazione delle Reti della Ricerca-GARR Consortium Annual Conference 2016